It aides ensure your whole machine by ceasing infections, spyware, and other security dangers. Norton 2013 Antivirus works out of sight so you can surf the Internet, read the news, play recreations, and download programming or music without interruption.
Norton 2013 antivirus full version cleans all message and texting( (IM) connections, forestalling you from accepting infections, or spreading them to others. With set-it and overlook it purpose, Norton 2013 Antivirus checks for upgrades ceaselessly and immediately pieces new and rising dangers from getting on your framework. Notwithstanding assurance redesigns, Norton Antivirus gives new item offers as accessible all around your administration membership.
Get up and running fast with quick setup and easy-to-use features
- Installs in less than a minute with a single mouse click.
- Proactively tells you if files and applications are safe, or may slow down or crash your computer.
- Improved customizable Control Center now lets you choose between a simple or detailed view for accessing program controls and Web-based Norton services.
File Size: 516.9 KB
Safe & Secure